Saturday, June 4, 2016

Where are you going?

I want you to ask yourself one simple question: Where are you going?

Not how did you get here. Not where are you at. Where are you going?

Now ask yourself another question: Is this where you want to go?

If what you are doing is not helping you get where you want to go then it is time to stop hiding.

You may feel locked in, you may feel scared, you may have a family to feed and a mortgage to pay, you may feel that you don't have the resources, time, education, money, background to try anything different, you may feel too old, too young, not athletic enough or you could be feeling all of the above. And you may be right. These are all things we are afraid of but it doesn't give us a pass. These are all things we tell ourselves but it’s not actually how it is. It is a form of hiding.

This is not about opportunities but about obligations. We live in the richest, safest county in human history with technology and information to give us the platform and voice to go do work that matters.

Start wrestling with what you are doing and how you are going to get there before we start telling ourselves it’s too late. It's not too late. We need you.

You don't have to have all the answers you just need to have curiosity and ambition.

Go. Make the future you want it to be.